modified May 2003
Please do let me know if you have any problems
with any of the links
some of the Links or Web Sites, for example, may close down or be of little
comments would be welcomed as also the addresses of any other sites of
Web and E-Mail
Links with other members of the family - NB New Section for distant cousins
Please let me know if you are interested in connecting into the family system,
and I will ensure that the correct links are then uploaded. If you
find any useful Web Sites helpful to the family please let me know so that
these also can be added.
Web Sites Click on the category that interests you (includes reference to 1881 British Census) |
The following is a cousin descended from the family Hotman (de
AUDCENT Caroline: Home
Email VAZ Helen (nee VINCENT) & Alfred: Helen's Office, Email WILLIAMS Julie (nee AUDCENT) College Email CANADA
AUDCENT John, Mary (nee
ANDERSON Bryan Email and
Website and Alexa
(nee AUDCENT) Email
AUDCENT David & Christine: Home
Email COLVIN Shaun, Brenda, David & Catherine: Home Email
The following is a cousin descended from the family
PINOT DE MOIRA Anne (married
to James BLAKE): Office
Email & Home
VINCENT Geoffrey (& Louise nee FRY):
Office Email and
Home Louise Email
Geoffrey Email FRANCE The following is a cousin descended from the family Ferney LEMOINE Jean-Pierre: Home Email The following are cousins also descended from the family St Ouen d'Ernemont
MONTON Jean Pierre (married to Monique BARTE): Home
The following are
cousins descended from the family Hotman (de Villiers St Paul) see also
Africa above
Section has been designed to permit distant cousins the opportunity
to contact one another USA
JOHNSON 'William' Shakespear - descent from Hotman and d'Aillebout
families : Home Email OTHER CONTACTS who are linked by liaison USA BLANC Alec - de Verteuil family and links with his own of Blanc: Email : Website: SEHEULT Mark A - Seheult Family - Holds a large database and details of this family (linked with family Maury de Lapeyouse): Email Website (Private, ask permission)
Do be wary of Internet Sites, many Genealogies are suspect, and should confirm
their sources.
added 14/11/98 - This a very useful site for French Genealogy, and includes
access to the Minitel telephone network. Still haven't found 'Audecent'
or 'Audcent', in the directories. 'Auxant' there is?
Filez - apparently this is the largest software search
engine on the World Wide Web. At the present time I haven't tried it
- tell me if you do!
An index of some of the thousands of genealogy related Web Pages, of which
this site is a member.
Click on logo.
Now (June1999) apparently available on 25 No. CD Roms (30 million+ names)
at a cost only of £29.75 (including postage and packing) from the LDS
Distribution Centre, 399 Garretts Green Lane, Sheldon, West Midlands, B33
0AU (Tel. 0121 784 9555). International orders can also be placed online
at If you can't afford the lot,
you can order just a region or regions! See next item.
Record Search provided as a service by the Church of the Latter Day Saints
. I found two persons who I know to be relations, but one wouldn't
have known if I hadn't already researched the subject. But a welcome
beginning from probably the holders of the greatest reservoir of Genealogical
information held at the present time. I really could wish that the
Church could provide more informative data as to a person's connections -
particularly as some of my own family data has been lodged there for general
information and the name cannot even be found. You can also order CD
Roms of basic data - again limited in scope - e.g. Vital Records Index of
the British Isles, (this 5 CD set, didn't contain either of the two people
mentioned above that I found when searching whilst on their Web site).
updated June 1998 - Whilst much of John Wittenbergs original site covered
his own family Wittenberg, he also maintained a list of AOL Members who have
produced family Genealogies located on the America-on-Line Server (including
our own family "Audcent" web pages), together with a list of other useful
Genealogical links. The latest Genealogical pages held very useful web page
information as to French & Canadian ancestors under an alphabetical
index. In June 1998 the information was taken over by Arleta Howe,
and the new email address is as indicated.
- the family page
- list of Genealogical Sites
- the section relating to France
Cyndi Howells has created and maintained a considerable Genealogical
Resource. The first address given is their own family page, the second,
is a general page on sites, the list of links included amounts to over 19,200
connections (at May 1997) and accordingly can save everyone considerable
time doing their own searches. The next page relates to the specific
page indexing their extensive French Genealogy Resources. (see also
Email address, for an extensive and regularly updated library of
Genealogical Data. Just send blank form to the Email address as shown,
but note that the file is very large and may exceed the size permitted
by your Service Provider.
This web site provides information on resources for family history held in
British and Irish public libraries, including births, deaths and marriages,
census returns, directories, electoral registers and polls books, IGI Index,
unpublished indexes, parish registers, periodicals (not newspapers) and published
transcrips of archival material.
New Search Information for genealogy. I found it will find a range
of web pages including surnames, one name studies, ship passenger list,
genealogical societies and associations, researchers, software, books, family
mailing lists, online records of churches, census data, and cemeteries and
more. You can also add details of your own web page. Look at
"Common Threads" to search a surname database, where you may find other
Genealogists with related surname interests.
Société Généalogique Canadienne-Française,
home page - for those interested in French Canadian research - this will
get you the English language pages.
WorldGenWeb - Main Screen - could prove interesting in the long term if
sufficient support.
A central web site apparently dedicated to providing free information to
Net users. The site links encyclopaedias and reference materials all
across the internet.
The British Library is making its major catalogues available on the Internet.
British Library OPAC 97 includes over 8.5 million records dating from 1450
to the present.
(perhaps linking to other family ones)
![]() |
PLEASE NOTE - 6/9/2000
AOL no longer offer support |
Click above Graphic for information
This site was created using AOLPress v 2.0, a free Web Page Browser and Designer
designed for and provided by America-on-Line as its contribution to the World
Wide Web. It has only recently been drawn to my attention that AOL
is no longer supporting this product or offering advice etc, however they
are still offering the download for those who are
interested. I
found it so simple to use that the lack of support is no great disadvantage.
I notice that some Magazines PC Pro of England, are giving the programme
away on their attached CD Roms.
- (advice for home web page beginners)
Cyndi Howell again, this is her comprehensive advice page, with many links
to additional information, on creating your own web pages.
a Jacques Barsalou m. Charlotte Angelique D'AILLEBOUT (1698-1755)
- see D'aillebout Genealogy
Terry has an extensive database of the family Barsalou, but not
dates, so it is unclear just how close he is to achieving a
Confirmed cousins of the Audcent/Pinot family, this site shows how
modern Genealogists can work together to pay for, document and prove by
determined, joint effort the descent of in this case:
Catherine Baillon (from whom many American
and Canadians descend) from Charlemagne.
French Nobility -
Do examine this site with over 19,000 persons, primarily of French
nobility and the proprietary system provided of using your normal browser
'offline' as a means of navigating any family tree. It can be read
in a number of languages, this reference is to 'English'.