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Families: Audcent - Humphrey - Newton
- (Shakeshaft) Jones - Unconnected lines PEAT
(NOTE my cousin Carol has considerable information on the Newton and Handol families but is not on the web at the present time - David B Audcent)
All additions or corrections gratefully received.
Latest additions 26 Jul 2010

GENEALOGY of the family PEAT
The family  appear to originate initially from  the city of Nottingham, England, but moved at the end of the 18th century to Mansfield Woodhouse via Mansfield, in Nottinghamshire.

David B Audcent

Ralph PEAT (first of name) (? is this Ralph Peat m. 24/10/1725  Nottingham St Mary, Elizabeth BOWLER) and who had issue of:-


1. A John PEAT b c1829 place unknown m. Mary Unknown,  b c1845 Kirton, Nottingham, they lived at West Markham, Nottingham at time of 1881 Census

2. An Emma PEAT b. c1866 Mansfield Woodhouse, was general servant to Thomas Tebbet, retired Surveyor, resident Town Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, on 3rd April 1881 - could well be daughter of next entry John Peat m. Elizabeth.

3. A Mary A. PEAT, b. c1860 Mansfield Woodhouse, Postal and Telegraph Clerk and niece of William Lamb and his wife Hannah Allwood was at their home in Taylor Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse on the 3rd April 1881.

4. Richard PEAT b. c1847 Kirkby, Nottingham,  Coal Miner m. Alice Unknown, b. c1851 Nottingham, dressmaker resided in 1881 Town Street, Pinxton, Nottingham, and had issue of the following:-

5. Edward PEAT b. c1822 Nottingham, Cotton Doubler, Employer of 22 males and 200 females, m. Mary unknown b. c1827 Butterley, Derby, resident in 1881 at Holly Cottage, Derby Road, Lenton, Nottingham, having for issue:-

6.  A Thomas PEAT b. c1829 Nottingham, lace maker, was a boarder at the home of Charlotte Atkinson, of 8 Windmill Street, Radford, Nottingham on the 3rd April 1881.

7. William A PEAT b.c1834 Nottingham, lace maker, m. Ann Unknown b. c1838 Chesterfield, and resided at 14 Court Street, Radford Nottingham in 1881, having for children:-

8. An Elizabeth PEAT (married) b. c1813 Nottingham, resided at 4 Lion Square, Snenton, Nottingham on the 3rd April 1881.

9 William PEAT b. c1819 Plumton, Nottingham, winder m. Elizabeth unknown, b. c1824 East Leake, Laundress and resided at Salfor Street, Carrington Green, Nottingham St Mary, on 3rd April 1881.  They had for niece Monica Walker, resident on that day, b. c1857 Nottingham, Milliner.

10. A Sussanah PEAT (unmarried) b. c1804 Nottingham, resided at 16 Burtons Almshouses, Nottingham St Mary, on the 3rd April 1881.

11. A Thomas PEAT (married) b. c1846 Hyson Green, Nottingham, stocking maker was in Postern Street General Hospital on the 3rd April 1881


1831 March 7th Ann PEAT married Thomas MORLEY
1843 May 7th John PEAT age 21, son of Ralph PEAT, married Sarah HUSKINSON age 21, daughter of William Huskinson, Labourer - (thus John Peat was born around 1822, and Sarah Huskinson the same year)
1846 January 13th Mary PEAT age 28, daughter of Ralph PEAT, married Thomas BARKS age 24, the son of Thomas Barks - (thus Mary Peat was born around 1818, and Thomas Barks around 1822)
1846 November 25th Ralph PEAT age 21, Labourer, son of Ralph PEAT, married Catherine TURNER, age 24, daughter of John Turner, Labourer - (Thus Ralph Peat was born around 1825 and Catherine Turner around 1822)
1849 May 27th George PEAT age 21, son of Ralph PEAT, married Mary MORELEY age 20, daughter of George Moreley - (Thus George Peat was born around 1828 and Mary Moreley around 1829)
1857 December 11th Sarah PEAT of full age, daughter of John PEAT Joiner, married William TURTON of full age, shoemaker, son of John Turton Labourer - (Thus Sarah Peat was born before 1836 and William Turton before same year)
1858 October 10th John PEAT of full age, Labourer, son of William PEAT, married Ann Jill RHOADHOUSE, Cotton Spinner, daughter of unmarried mother Hannah Jill Rhoadhouse - Witness Ralph Peat - (Thus John Peat was born before 1837 and Ann Jill Rhoadhouse not known)
1862 September 21st Mary PEET age 19, daughter of John PEET, Labourer, married George THRACE of full age, Labourer, (illegitimate child) - (Thus Mary Peet (spelt this way in Register) was born around 1843 and George Thrace before 1841)
1871 June 19th Elizabeth PEAT of full age, daughter of John PEAT Framework Knitter, married Mark POYSER of full age, Labourer, son of Thomas Poyser, Stone Mason Witnessed by Sarah and Everett Turner - (Thus Elizabeth Peat was born before 1850 and Mark Poyser before the same year)
1871 July 3rd Richard PEET of full age, Blacksmith, son of James PEET Master Collier, married Alice POLLARD of full age, daughter of Robert William POLLARD, Coachman - (Thus Richard Peet (spelt this way in Register) was born before 1850 as also was Alice Pollard)
1872 October 28th John PEAT of full age, son of John PEAT, married Emma Johnson age 20, daughter of John Johnson, Shoemaker - (Thus John Peat was born before 1851, and Emma Johnson around 1852)
1872 December 8th William Huskinson PEAT of full age, Blacksmith, son of John PEAT, married Eliza JOHNSTON, of full age, daughter of Mark Johnston, Shoemaker - (Thus William Huskinson Peat was born before 1851 as also was Eliza Johnston)
1875 June 19th Henry PEAT of full age, Porter, son of Alexander PEAT, Porter on railway, married Sarah Anne BALDWIN of full age, daughter of John Baldwin, Timekeeper at Colliery - Witness Elizabeth PEAT - (Thus Henry Peat was born before 1854 as also was Sarah Anne Baldwin)
1878 April 22nd Sarah Peat age 23, daughter of John PEAT, Labourer, married Joseph DIXON age 21, Labourer, son of Samuel Dixon, Labourer Witnessed by William and Ellen PEAT - (Thus Sarah Peat was born around 1855 and Joseph Dixon around 1857)
1879 May 4th George PEAT aged 50, Widower, son of Ralph PEAT, married Ann COLLINS aged 43, Widow, daughter of William Stone - (Thus George Peat was born around 1829 and had married previously, and Ann Collins nee Stone around 1836)
1880 July 11th Ellen PEAT age 21, daughter of George PEAT, Framework Knitter, married Samuel ELLIS age 22, Mason, son of James ELLIS Framework Knitter Witness Henry Peat - (Thus Ellen Peat was born around 1859 and Samuel Ellis around 1858)
1881 September 24th George PEAT age 24, Cotton Spinner, son of George PEAT, Labourer, married Hannah BETTS age 23, daughter of William Betts, Carrier - (Thus George Peat was born around 1857, and Hannah Betts around 1856)
1883 May 13th Alfred PEAT age 22, Spinner, son of George PEAT, Labourer, married Sarah Anne ASHMORE age 22, daughter of James Ashmore - Witness Emma Peat - (Thus Alfred Peat was born around 1861, and Sarah Anne Ashmore around same year)
1885 May 25 Eliza PEAT age 21, daughter of Ralph PEAT, Labourer, married Mark HALL age 22, Labourer, son of John Hall, Labourer - Witnesses Henry Peat and Martha Peat - (Thus Eliza Peat was born around 1864, and Mark Hall around 1863)
1886 September 11th Martha PEAT age 24, daughter of Ralph PEAT, Labourer, married John GILL age 21, son of John Gill, Labourer - Witness Henry Peat - (Thus Martha Peat was born around 1862, and John Gill around 1865)
1890 April 6th Arthur PEAT age 21, Labourer, son of George PEAT, Labourer, married Mary Helen HARVEY age 19, daughter of John HARVEY, Plate Layer - (Thus Arthur was born around 1869, and Mary Helen Harvey around 1871)
1900 July 14th Eliza Hannah PEAT age 23, daughter of John PEAT, Factory Hand, married George RYLEY age 24, Factory Hand, son of Robert Ryley, Warehouse Man - (Thus Eliza Hannah Peat was born around 1877, and George Ryley around 1876)
Charles Henry PEAT married Agnes Mary (unknown) - from visit to MW Graveyard
William PEAT born c 1812 married Mary (unknown) born c 1811 - from visit to MW graveyard
John Turner born c 1794 married Mary (unknown) born c 1785 - from visit to MW graveyard
Lewis Willard PEAT married Mary Anne (unknown) before 1895 (baptismal records).


Sarah dtr. of Ralph & Mary PEAT 12th Feby 1818
Hannah dtr. of Ralph & Hannah (1) PEAT 4th March 1820
John son of Ralph & Mary PEAT 26th April 1822
Ralph son of Ralph & Mary PEAT 2nd Oct 1825
George son of Ralph & Mary PEAT 20th August 1828
Henry son of Ralph & Mary PEAT 7th May 1837
Mary dtr. of John & Sarah PEAT 18th Feby 1844
Elizabeth dtr. of John & Sarah PEAT 28th Sept 1845
Samuel son of Ralph & Catherine PEAT 3rd August 1847
William Huskinson son of John & Sarah PEAT 2nd Jany 1848
Mary dtr. of Ralph & Catherine PEAT 5th August 1849
Jane dtr. of Ralph & Catherine PEAT 7th August 1853
Elizabeth dtr. of Ralph & Catherine PEAT 25th May 1856
Henry son of Ralph & Catherine PEAT 27th March 1859
Mary Ann dtr. of John & Anne PEAT 26th Feby 1859
Eliza dtr. of Ralph & Catherine PEAT 15th May 1864
Martha dtr. of Ralph & Catherine PEAT 15th May 1864
Ralph son of George & Mary PEAT 10th March 1866
Arthur son of George & Mary PEAT 6th August 1868
William son of Elizabeth PEATE unmarried 7th Dec 1869
Jane dtr. of Elizabeth PEATE unmarried 7th Dec 1869
Sarah Anne Hollis dtr. of Anne PEAT unmarried 5th August 1872
Kate Edith dtr. of John & Anne PEAT 29th July 1874
Anna Maria dtr. of John & Anne PEAT 29th July 1874
John George son of John & Anne PEAT 29th July 1874
George son of John & Elizabeth PEAT 5th August 1874
Arthur son of John & Elizabeth PEAT 13th Jany 1878
William son of Henry & Elizabeth PEAT 7th Nov 1886
Edith Anne dtr. of Henry & Elizabeth PEAT 19th Dec 1888
Charles Henry son of Henry & Elizabeth PEAT 19th Dec 1888
Lewis Williams son of John & Elizabeth PEAT 23rd March 1891
Florence Lettie dtr. of Henry & Elizabeth PEAT 3rd Feby 1892
Mary dtr. of George & Hannah PEAT 6th Sept 1893
Margaret Catherine dtr. of Henry & Elizabeth PEAT 29th April 1894
Lawrence son of Lewis Willard (Postal Clerk) & Mary Ann PEAT 24th Feby 1895
Mary Anne dtr. of George & Mary Anne PEAT(2) 17th April 1895
Thomas son of George & Mary Anne PEAT(2) 17th April 1895
James son of George & Mary Anne PEAT(2) 17th April 1895
Oliver David son of Lewis Willard (Postal Clerk) and Mary Ann PEAT 14th Sept 1898
Arthur Richard son of Henry & Elizabeth PEAT 24th Dec 1899


(1) Funny to find a Ralph with a wife Hannah in this group. It would appear that an earlier Ralph may exist.
(2) George & Mary PEAT(?) whose children were baptised in 1895, the name is probably Peat, but the formation of the 'T' could be taken as a 'K', and thus read PEAK. It is noted that there were a number of "PEAK" entries in the Registers, which were taken to be another family. It may well be that these entries should also have been noted, as a misspelling of the name.


Alexander PEAT born before 1833 (father of Henry PEAT)
Alice PEAT born c 1851
Althea PEAT born c October 1899
Ann PEAT born around 1810
Anne PEAT date unknown but probably born around 1852
Arthur Robert PEAT b c June 1899
Catherine Broad PEAT born c 1821 (could be a wife died aged 77 in 1898)
Charles Henry PEAT
Eliza Hannah PEAT born c 1877
Elizabeth PEAT born c 1835 (could be a wife died age 26 in 1861)
Henry PEAT born before 1854 (son of Alexander PEAT)
Hilda Annie PEAT born April 1893
James PEET born before 1829 (father of Richard PEET), James PEAT born around 1858 (died infant in that year)
Jenny PEAT born c 1817 dtr of Charles Henry PEAT
John PEAT born before 1837 son of William PEAT
John PEAT born before 1815
John PEAT born before 1851
Lewis Willard PEAT probably born around 1874
Maria PEAT born c 1830
Ralph PEAT born c 1788
Richard PEET born before 1850 (son of James PEET)
Sarah PEAT born before 1836 (daughter of John PEAT)
Sarah PEAT born c 1855 (dtr of John PEAT & probably Sarah Huskinson)
Thomas PEAT born c 1850
William PEAT born c 1750
William PEAT born c 1804
William PEAT born c 1812


1804 Hannah PEAT (noted but should be checked !!)
1820 January 8th Sarah PEAT age 3 (Thus born around 1817)
1824 August 26th William PEAT age 20 (Thus born around 1804)
1831 November 5th William PEAT age 81 (Thus born around 1750)
1848 May 3rd Mary PEAT age 2 (Thus born around 1846)
1857 November 29th Elizabeth PEAT age 1.5 yrs (Thus born in 1856)
1858 March 7th Ralph PEAT age 70 (Thus born around 1788)
1858 March 22nd James PEAT an infant
1858 December 14th Thomas PEAT age 8 (Thus born around 1850)
1859 November 29th Maria PEAT age 29 (Thus born around 1830)
1859 December 7th Sarah PEAT age 37 (Thus born around 1822 - this assumed to be Sarah Huskinson wife of John PEAT)
1861 October 6th Elizabeth PEAT age 26 (Thus born around 1835)
1866 March 14th Ralph PEAT an infant
1867 (Mary wife of John Turner died on the 22nd July 1867 aged 82, thus born around 1785, confirmed from visit to graveyard)
1870 March 1st Jane Peate an infant
1877 August 8th Sarah Anne Hollis PEAT an infant
1877 December 8th Mary PEAT age 48 (Thus born around 1829 - this assumed to be Mary Moreley wife of George PEAT)
1878 January 27th Catherine PEAT age 55 (Thus born around 1823 - confirmed as Catherine Turner from visit to graveyard - buried with her husband Ralph Peat, she died on the 25th January 1878 aged 55)
1878 May 5th Mary PEAT age 87 (Thus born around 1791 - this assumed to be Mary the wife of Ralph PEAT)
1879 (John Turner buried with his wife Mary, from visit to graveyard, he died 4th December 1879, aged 85, thus born around 1794)
1882 June 22nd George PEAT age 53 (Thus born around 1829)
1885 June 9th Mary PEAT age 74 (Thus born around 1811 - confirmed as the wife of William Peat who follows from visit to graveyard - she died on 6th June 1885 aged 73)
1885 October 29th William PEAT age 73 (Thus born around 1812 confirmed from visit to graveyard he is buried with his second wife Mary, he died on the 27th October 1885 aged 73)
1886 February 14th Alice PEAT age 35 (Thus born around 1851)
1886 November 19th Ralph PEAT age 61 (Thus born around 1825 -confirmed from visit to graveyard he died on 17th November 1886 aged 61)
1893 December 11th Hilda Annie PEAT age 8 months (born in 1893)
1898 June 21st Catherine Broad PEAT of 5 Grove Street, Mansfield Woodhouse (Thus born around 1821)
1899 September 8th Oliver David PEAT age 13 months (born Oct. 1898)
1899 February 6th Edith PEAT age 48 hrs (born 4th February 1899)
1899 December 17th John PEAT age 76 (Thus born around 1823)
1900 November 18th Althea PEAT aged 13 months (born October 1899)
1900 December 19th Arthur Robert PEAT age 18 months (born around June 1899)
1924 (John Peat died 21st September 1924, aged 73, thus born around 1851, from inspection of graveyard)
1931 (Agnes Mary, died 26th June 1931, aged 44, thus born around 1887, the wife of Charles PEAT - from inspection of Graveyard)
1937 (Jenny, the daughter of Charles PEAT and his wife Agnes Mary, died on the 3rd February 1935, aged 18 and was buried with her mother - from visit to graveyard)


(SHAKESHAFT) JONES - this is a summary of information obtained by Keith, Lesley and myself, please send any corrections, additions or amendments to me.  Some of the information shown is conjecture and requires secondary confirmation, being based on probability.  NB  The family name is JONES, the name Shakeshaft was passed down various branches, and derives from the marriage of Thomas Jones with Mary Shakeshaft, it is NOT a hypenated name, but was given to many of the sons as a tribute to Mary's family connection.

Thomas JONES, joiner & carpenter, m. 25/2/1811 Little Wenlock, Shropshire, Mary SHAKESHAFT b. 1783 bap 11/5/1783 Wroxeter, Shropshire, dtr of Edward (he signed Shakeschart) m. 16/10/1778 Uppington, Shropshire, Ann JONES witnesses Pea Harrington and Mary Davies.  They had issue:-